Thursday, January 3, 2013


Do we ever change or do we all stay the same, can we really make a difference or are we just here for the now, then gone tomorrow? In my opinion we can change but it’s hard. It’s easy to eat, it’s hard to exercise; it’s easy to cuss, it’s hard to respect; it’s easy to hate, it’s hard to love; it’s easy to blame and hard to forgive.  Seems to me all the good things are hard and the bad are easy. How I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that, not that I would listen. It seems so small of a word (CHANGE) to spit out to merely speak. When you start to consider what it could do for our world and our ways it may make you view it in a new light. But the scale can tip both ways. On one hand it could make everything better than we or our ancestors could have dreamed. On the other hand it could completely destroy everything that has come to be. The biggest change we can make is in our own self, and this is no new concept, it’s been our driving force in humanity for all of our being. We have always hoped there’s something better just over that next hill, just around that next corner. That if we can just get through then things will change. There was a priest who wrote what he thought was the worst sins of humanity. What he came up with is not just for his Christian followers: PRIDE, ANGER, LUST, SLOTH, GLUTTONY,  ENVY, and GREED. No matter whom you pray to there are something we can all learn from his observations. There’s nothing wrong with this world today that can’t be blamed on those sins. So if we want to change the world, first we must change ourselves.  

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