Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We often over look the importance of our leaders and how their decisions effect us all. Every day all over the world decisions are being made, whether it’s the leaders of countries or the leaders of companies. They are, for the most part deciding which way we are going, the steering wheels of society. Without our leaders we would all be going in different directions not having any path to follow. We need to give these leaders more credit for their works for some of our leaders are great and have lead us to victory and our modern societies. Some leaders have been corrupted and fallen victim to their own desires and the temptations of evil. That is also why they need to be held more accountable for their action for if we are not on the right path our leaders have led us in the wrong direction. Sometimes this misguiding is not bad and is easily fixed, but sometimes this leads to horrible consequences. I don’t have to sit here and name them all we know who they are and what have come from greedy, prideful, and glutenous ways have lead to.  So the next time it’s time for you to vote or select a new leader of any sort keep this in mind, the next time that you notice someone in a position to make those big decisions and is doing a good job be sure to tell them and give them a pat on the back. The next time you hear about a leader being corrupt or misguiding and trying to throw the blame well just give them hell. Let’s not continue to let bad leaders lead us but give praise to those who lead us well. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish it were easier to determine a good leader from a bad leader. A good leader often makes decisions about the lesser of two evils and we see them as evil because of it. Judging leaders seems so subjective. Of course we gotta do it, it just isn't easy.
