Friday, January 4, 2013


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources   January 11, 2007.

We all know that when we throw trash away that it’s going to a landfill where it will be burned or buried. We all know that it’s bad for the environment and wasting our resources. Yet we go ahead and throw it in the trash instead of taking the time to recycle it. Every time we fill up our vehicles with gas we know that most likely it came from overseas where people may or may not have died for it. We also know that the exhaust is poisonous and contains CO2 causing the green house effect we all hear so much about. We also know that buying products that are made in foreign countries with MSG and all this other bad chemicals are bad for us; the plastic it’s made from is destroying our planet and the foreign countries are taking our jobs.So why do we buy these products that are bad for us then just throw the waste in the trash? Well for some of us it is we don’t, we take time to recycle, and we make sure our food is good for us, and the products we buy are green, and made in our country. Let me inform you, if you have ever tried to do this there’s an understanding of how hard this is. Almost everything you pick up is made in foreign countries, with chemicals bad for everything and everybody which includes food.  Now everybody in the US could change their ways, but that only changes so much. The real changes have to take place with our politicians and the way they do business then and only then will America rise again. So until we make that happen just remember, be American buy American the job you save could be yours!!! 

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