Monday, January 7, 2013


              gluemoon   July 19, 2008
What are we doing here, what’s the purpose, is there a point or reason. How did we come to be here on this Earth in this time? Are our destinies written, or are we meant to make our own. Have we lived before and now paying for all that’s been done. Are we meant to be great or are we just going to keep making the same mistakes as our ancestors did? Is there a god or gods, is there heaven is there hell. Why have man spilled so much of our blood in the name of who is right and who is wrong? Why do men follow merciless dictators and kings to slaughter the innocent just to expand their empire for glory. The horror men have created in the name of hate and pride. We have enslaved, imprisoned, terrorized, murdered, and destroyed people and their knowledge. Is this so deep in our blood so not to be removed, will time not kill the savage beast that lives in us all, the beast we once had to be to make it in a world  full of monsters so foul they  would tear us limb from limb as they feasted on our flesh? Creatures so frighting children are still born with fear of the dark and have nightmares in preparation to deal with escaping the monsters. That beast has long conquered those creators and risen to the top of the food chain. Now our greatest enemy is ourselves and the odds are not looking good. In the dark we have seen the light we have risen then fallen many times before. History tells of human species that have long since passed and Homo-sapiens ourselves have once almost perished. Then risen again to accomplish great task, built buildings that reach the sky, built bridges and tunnels that span the oceans, stood against evil and won, built machines that fly and even taken us to the moon and planets beyond our own. We have learned things our ancestors could only hope to learn, but the question remains: why are we here and where will we go? When we die will that be it or will our energy still flow, is the white light at the end the beginning, and will we ever know?

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