Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The best way to make a change is to start with our education system because our education system is the foundation to a strong civilization.  If we educate our children to be peaceful, sustainable, eco friendly, and kind people then that is what we can expect them to be.  If you want to be able to travel in space then you need to educate people in those technologies, if you want leaders with integrity and the other values we respect then we need to educate future leaders in those subjects.  If we continue to let our education systems crumble and fall then that is what it will do.  But if we advance the way we teach our children then we advance our society.  If we practice equality, fairness, patience, and kindness in the classrooms then we can begin to get rid of things like racism and sexism in our society.  Then begin to get rid of things like bullying by adding more severe punishment. People complain about gun rights when someone walks into the school and began shooting but you rarely hear about the bullying that the kids were receiving, and how little was done to protect them.  Then you get rid of the fear of failure, when people are not afraid to fail or get made fun of then great things start happening.  Then add modern technology to our schools like computer learning so computers can teach and teachers have more time for one on one.  We don’t need to hold everyone on the same page because someone doesn't understand it.  With computer learning they go as fast or slow as they need to understand a subject.  As Albert Einstein once said “if you judge a fish by how well it can climb a tree think it will think it’s stupid”.  We are not all the same and we should not be taught as such.  If you want to make a change this is where we need to start.  We are only one generation away from greatness. 


  1. Great ideas. Love the Einstein quote.

  2. I believe the entire school system needs an update. Children (of all ages) should be able to learn at their own pace. Technology should be incorporated into the school systems not only for an extra learning tool but to eventually phase out textbooks. The initial costs may be higher than textbooks but the environment would prosper from using less textbooks. Teaching children morals and ethics in school can lead to better leaders for the future. The children will always be the future and we need to continuously prepare for the future.
