Monday, June 24, 2013

Life with Jesus

Life as a Christian is not an easy one. Most people think that it's just reading the bible, praying, and showing up on Sunday. The truth is it's much more than that. Most Christians have a lot of faith but this faith is not just something you wake up with one day. It's something that is earned, and not easily I might add because you serve a God that does not speak to you, and you cannot see (well not most of us). The only real proof most of us have is the fear of Him and the knowledge of Him in our hearts. Most people don't  have to worry about what is right and wrong except for mans laws. They can do what they want, say what they want, and not have to worry about values or take responsibilities for their actions. They worry only about themselves and personal interest, get rich with no worry of the consequence they have on the environment or their fellow man. Life as a Christian is not so easy because you have to believe in the God Almighty and serve Him by serving your fellow man. You must be faithful to your spouse, watch what you say, be humbled in all your actions, be righteous, follow the ten commandments, not being prideful and not judge others; all while being faithful yourself and spreading the word of the bible. You might also be mocked and made fun of for believing in God. Almost every one around you is going to be foul mouth, prideful, and glutenous as to try to make you be like them. Many times we are islands in a sea of sin. Many times it's your very own people who try to make you sin, it was not the Pagans after all who crucified Jesus, but the believers. The hardest thing for me was to let go of all the wrong that has been done to me, and is something I'm still working on. It's so hard to let go when the ones who hurt you are so close, but who else would you let get that close to hurt you in the first place? However, when you are able to let it go I'm here to testify that you well be set free from all the sorrow of your heart and have a new life, a life you can live happily.When you add that to a life you try to live sin free (we are all sinners) you truly can have your little peace of heaven on earth. Whether you believe or not we all know that the bible tells us what not to do, and we should not do it because it causes the destruction of our society. Living without sin is hard even almost impossible, but when you do you don't have to be looking over you shoulder to see if your enemy is coming, or if that person heard what you said, if your spouse learned what you have been doing, or if your lie has been found out. I'm not writing this as a perfect Christian but as a flawed human being. If you are lost and want to find a new way I ask you to forget all the negative things you have heard about the church, pick up a bible, and open your heart. Do not stop when you read something you don't like because it takes time to understand. Bible study really helps if you cannot understand for your self, and if you find yourself in a church full of hypocrites don't leave God, leave that church and go to another. I myself am still trying to find my way so if you do see me lost help me find my way and I'll do the same for you.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The best way to make a change is to start with our education system because our education system is the foundation to a strong civilization.  If we educate our children to be peaceful, sustainable, eco friendly, and kind people then that is what we can expect them to be.  If you want to be able to travel in space then you need to educate people in those technologies, if you want leaders with integrity and the other values we respect then we need to educate future leaders in those subjects.  If we continue to let our education systems crumble and fall then that is what it will do.  But if we advance the way we teach our children then we advance our society.  If we practice equality, fairness, patience, and kindness in the classrooms then we can begin to get rid of things like racism and sexism in our society.  Then begin to get rid of things like bullying by adding more severe punishment. People complain about gun rights when someone walks into the school and began shooting but you rarely hear about the bullying that the kids were receiving, and how little was done to protect them.  Then you get rid of the fear of failure, when people are not afraid to fail or get made fun of then great things start happening.  Then add modern technology to our schools like computer learning so computers can teach and teachers have more time for one on one.  We don’t need to hold everyone on the same page because someone doesn't understand it.  With computer learning they go as fast or slow as they need to understand a subject.  As Albert Einstein once said “if you judge a fish by how well it can climb a tree think it will think it’s stupid”.  We are not all the same and we should not be taught as such.  If you want to make a change this is where we need to start.  We are only one generation away from greatness. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We often over look the importance of our leaders and how their decisions effect us all. Every day all over the world decisions are being made, whether it’s the leaders of countries or the leaders of companies. They are, for the most part deciding which way we are going, the steering wheels of society. Without our leaders we would all be going in different directions not having any path to follow. We need to give these leaders more credit for their works for some of our leaders are great and have lead us to victory and our modern societies. Some leaders have been corrupted and fallen victim to their own desires and the temptations of evil. That is also why they need to be held more accountable for their action for if we are not on the right path our leaders have led us in the wrong direction. Sometimes this misguiding is not bad and is easily fixed, but sometimes this leads to horrible consequences. I don’t have to sit here and name them all we know who they are and what have come from greedy, prideful, and glutenous ways have lead to.  So the next time it’s time for you to vote or select a new leader of any sort keep this in mind, the next time that you notice someone in a position to make those big decisions and is doing a good job be sure to tell them and give them a pat on the back. The next time you hear about a leader being corrupt or misguiding and trying to throw the blame well just give them hell. Let’s not continue to let bad leaders lead us but give praise to those who lead us well. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

How long

How long are we going to wait to make the changes we need to make? Are we going to take too long where there is no turning back or are we going to step up and do the things we need to do. I could sit here and talk to you about global awareness, recycling, pollution, politicians, and the state of our country and our world. But instead I’m going to give you a link to watch a documentary. I found this to be a big help in understanding what’s going on and why, and what we can do to change our ways. I hope you all find this as enlightening as I did and are willing to take the next step forward with me.

Zeitgeist 3 moving forward

Zeitgeist is a movement that I have found the documentary's are long but very informing if you are trying to make a change as I am. You should watch them all. They have a web site but I prefer to follow them on face book.  Together we can make a change!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


  There should be an organization that can help America. Help the people’s voice be heard, give us a way to make all those changes that need to be made because just leaving it up to our politicians is not working. There is little you can do in America to make a change, the only thing we can do is to vote, but do our votes really count? We need another way to move forward. In my opinion the best thing we can do is have a voice and not just voices in congress but in the sense to communicate among ourselves, to let us know what we should and should not buy, and to speak for ourselves. The hardest thing to do sometimes is to coordinate an organization when there are so many voices to be heard but, the more voices the louder you speak and the more you can do. Imagine if millions of people band together to fight against job loss, funding terrorism, polluting the environment and fighting companies that are not doing fair business. We could save thousands of jobs, the air we breathe, and the earth we stand on just buy having knowledge of where to shop and what to buy to help the good guys and defeat the bad guys. So if you know of an organization or are willing to help start one let me know because together we can make a change.  Please leave your thoughts and opinions on what we can do and what’s the first changes we need to make.  

Monday, January 7, 2013


              gluemoon   July 19, 2008
What are we doing here, what’s the purpose, is there a point or reason. How did we come to be here on this Earth in this time? Are our destinies written, or are we meant to make our own. Have we lived before and now paying for all that’s been done. Are we meant to be great or are we just going to keep making the same mistakes as our ancestors did? Is there a god or gods, is there heaven is there hell. Why have man spilled so much of our blood in the name of who is right and who is wrong? Why do men follow merciless dictators and kings to slaughter the innocent just to expand their empire for glory. The horror men have created in the name of hate and pride. We have enslaved, imprisoned, terrorized, murdered, and destroyed people and their knowledge. Is this so deep in our blood so not to be removed, will time not kill the savage beast that lives in us all, the beast we once had to be to make it in a world  full of monsters so foul they  would tear us limb from limb as they feasted on our flesh? Creatures so frighting children are still born with fear of the dark and have nightmares in preparation to deal with escaping the monsters. That beast has long conquered those creators and risen to the top of the food chain. Now our greatest enemy is ourselves and the odds are not looking good. In the dark we have seen the light we have risen then fallen many times before. History tells of human species that have long since passed and Homo-sapiens ourselves have once almost perished. Then risen again to accomplish great task, built buildings that reach the sky, built bridges and tunnels that span the oceans, stood against evil and won, built machines that fly and even taken us to the moon and planets beyond our own. We have learned things our ancestors could only hope to learn, but the question remains: why are we here and where will we go? When we die will that be it or will our energy still flow, is the white light at the end the beginning, and will we ever know?

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Almost every day some politician somewhere is meeting with some powerful group lobbyist.  This is against the law, yet it happens. Even our presidents do this and they did it to become president. Politicians agree to do whatever it is to get the next election paid for, and just what are they agreeing to that they donate millions of dollars?  Chances are they are not just giving money away but expecting a return. If you watch any election you know they bad mouth each other, mostly because there’s not much good to say about their self’s. Why don’t they talk about the biggest issues like recycling, local food, green energy, good paying American jobs, American products, chemicals in our foods that are poisoning us, the chemicals farmers are using that are poisoning our soil, rivers and ocean, trash in the ocean, over fishing, the gas we use that’s poisoning our air and ocean, global warming, our prison systems, space travel and the poor state of our school systems. The only real problems our politicians talk about are the war, economy, Americas debt, and fair trade. Yet when they are president or legislator nothing; no real strategies to take care of any of this issues, they’re too busy taking care of their self’s and the lobbyist. Why else would they let all this thing continues to happen year after year day after day? We the people have let this go too far by letting them get away with this. No agencies police them and out of everything we need to police, this is one of the most important. Our country was made to be a democracy. Not to be ran by crooked politicians, and lobbyist. It’s time to stop thinking there is nothing we can do and start doing something about it. We can start by changing our voting system or should I say the auction to be the highest bidder win. Some things we can do now are reduce, reuse, recycle, and don’t forget be American buy American the job you save could be yours.

You got to check out this links your eyes well be opened.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources   January 11, 2007.

We all know that when we throw trash away that it’s going to a landfill where it will be burned or buried. We all know that it’s bad for the environment and wasting our resources. Yet we go ahead and throw it in the trash instead of taking the time to recycle it. Every time we fill up our vehicles with gas we know that most likely it came from overseas where people may or may not have died for it. We also know that the exhaust is poisonous and contains CO2 causing the green house effect we all hear so much about. We also know that buying products that are made in foreign countries with MSG and all this other bad chemicals are bad for us; the plastic it’s made from is destroying our planet and the foreign countries are taking our jobs.So why do we buy these products that are bad for us then just throw the waste in the trash? Well for some of us it is we don’t, we take time to recycle, and we make sure our food is good for us, and the products we buy are green, and made in our country. Let me inform you, if you have ever tried to do this there’s an understanding of how hard this is. Almost everything you pick up is made in foreign countries, with chemicals bad for everything and everybody which includes food.  Now everybody in the US could change their ways, but that only changes so much. The real changes have to take place with our politicians and the way they do business then and only then will America rise again. So until we make that happen just remember, be American buy American the job you save could be yours!!! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Do we ever change or do we all stay the same, can we really make a difference or are we just here for the now, then gone tomorrow? In my opinion we can change but it’s hard. It’s easy to eat, it’s hard to exercise; it’s easy to cuss, it’s hard to respect; it’s easy to hate, it’s hard to love; it’s easy to blame and hard to forgive.  Seems to me all the good things are hard and the bad are easy. How I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that, not that I would listen. It seems so small of a word (CHANGE) to spit out to merely speak. When you start to consider what it could do for our world and our ways it may make you view it in a new light. But the scale can tip both ways. On one hand it could make everything better than we or our ancestors could have dreamed. On the other hand it could completely destroy everything that has come to be. The biggest change we can make is in our own self, and this is no new concept, it’s been our driving force in humanity for all of our being. We have always hoped there’s something better just over that next hill, just around that next corner. That if we can just get through then things will change. There was a priest who wrote what he thought was the worst sins of humanity. What he came up with is not just for his Christian followers: PRIDE, ANGER, LUST, SLOTH, GLUTTONY,  ENVY, and GREED. No matter whom you pray to there are something we can all learn from his observations. There’s nothing wrong with this world today that can’t be blamed on those sins. So if we want to change the world, first we must change ourselves.